Problem statement of the client

Unorganised Order Management
Hotels require a steady supply of paints for their maintenance and renovation. However, the order management process for these supplies is often plagued with inefficiencies, leading to delays and errors in the procurement process. Comexpro, a leading paints and coatings provider, was facing the same challenges.


We deployed a three step process to understand the clients’ callenges, identify suitable resolutions, present design mock-ups, and deliver the project on time.


We embarked on an extensive research phase to tackle the hotel order management challenges. We identified the specific inefficiencies and pain points plaguing the existing system through thorough analysis and data examination.


Equipped with valuable insights from our research, we created detailed and customized mockups that addressed the client’s unique needs. These mockups served as the blueprint for developing an effective and tailored solution.

Development And Launch

With close collaboration with the client, we conducted rigorous testing and monitoring to ensure a smooth transition. Any issues were promptly addressed, allowing for successful solution deployment and a seamless user experience.

Technologies Used

We deployed cutting-edge technologies to develop a high-performance platform for the client, focusing on user-friendly interfaces and functionality. Leveraging multiple technologies allowed us to successfully transform the client’s order management process, achieving streamlined operations, improved customer satisfaction, and increased overall efficiency.


Our comprehensive research, thoughtful mockups, expert development, and meticulous launch provided the client with an optimized and efficient order management system. The solution streamlined processes minimized errors, and ultimately enhanced the client’s operations and customer satisfaction.

For Admin

We facilitated easy order placement and tracking through an intuitive product management system, which drastically minimized errors and delays. Furthermore, we introduced a category-specific chat support system to expedite customer communication, thereby boosting satisfaction levels. In essence, our platform optimized operational efficiency, creating a transformative impact on order management in the hotel industry.

For Clients

Our team designed a customer-centric mobile application to streamline the management of details, products, orders, and packing. This intuitive app simplifies order placement and allows for seamless tracking of deliveries, contributing to a stress-free experience for users. By integrating a chat support system into our platform, we ensured that customers can voice their concerns and receive timely assistance.