Problem statement of the client

Limited Scalability
The traditional brick-and-mortar academy model limited the reach of the educational content and required students to attend physical classes. This proved to be most inconvenient to the academy’s desire for scalin their business.
Limited Expansion Possibility
Being a traditional academy have limited expansion possibilities due to the physical constraints of the brick-and-mortar model. Expanding the business meant having to rent out new spaces which made scaling up next to impossible.
Resource Affordability
Traditional academies are more expensive to the students, pertaining to the higher operations expense that the academies need to bare. This limited the client to a specific class of students and hindered their desire for a wider penetration.
Assessment Management
Traditional assessment methods are time-consuming and resource-intensive, particularly when grading and providing student feedback. This limited the client’s ability to achieve a faster turn around time and improve the students’ experience.


Our three step process allowed us to understand our clients’ problems, identify suitable solutions, present mock-up designs, and deliver the project way before time.


After meeting with the client to thoroughly understand their problems, business model, and future plans, we brainstormed on possible education software solutions leading to intense research on existing solutions and competitors.


The next step was to create mock-ups of the possible software solutions to deliver the perfect education software along with an app for students. We gave them a rudimentary design layout to address and eliminate their current problems.

Development and Launch

Apart from e-learning software for coaching institutes, we successfully built a world-class e-learning portal with features to give the client a competitive edge. Students could now access affordable courses at their own time and pace.


We employed cutting-edge technologies and state-of-the-art tools to create a dynamic software solution for our client. We aimed to provide a user-friendly experience with robust features and an interactive interface. Leveraging our expertise and innovative approach, we exceeded the client’s expectations and propelled their business to new heights of success.


To address the problems faced by the client, we developed a comprehensive online learning platform utilizing modern digital technology to revolutionize education in India. This platform was designed to comply with all necessary government and industry regulations and security standards.

For client

Our Progressive Web App platform placed the client on the web allowing them to have a wider reach. The platform also came with easy database management and integrated analytics. We also ensured that the platform was built to allow the client to have a faster turn around time in managing the students’ assessments.

For Students

The client hosts multiple mock tests for the students. We built a custom dashboard for the students that allows them to have a clear understanding of their respective performance. The students now have the access to leaderboards letting them have a realistic understanddin of their proress. Furthermore, the platform also allows the students to record live classes.


Our comprehensive learning platform has yielded remarkable results with a massive surge in users too helping the client grow their revenue maniffolds..
3,750 Users On The Day Of Launch
The client had a total of 1,000 paid users within their offline business. Interestingly, on its launch day, they saw an impressive 3,750 paid users register on the learning platform. This highlights the platfform’s capability to withstand a huge DAU. Advanced user analytics also helped the client to keep a track of the user growth
1,00,000+ Registered Users
The total number of paid users has skyrocketed to over 1,00,000 and is still growing. The user-friendly interface and unique features like mock tests, test analysis, leaderboard, and learning accuracy analysis, eloped the client to quickly become a popular choice among different student communities across the nation.
3750 paid users on the day of the launch
On its launch day, the client saw an impressive 3750 paid users. This highlights the demand for affordable education in India and the success of client in meeting this demand. The company’s commitment to student success and user analytics has made it a trusted platform for students looking to achieve their academic goals.